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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Pat Robertson: dunderheaded dipshit? moronic miscreant? hateful halfwit? malevolent malfactor?
Listening to:Melissa Etheridge, I'm the Only One
Reading:Timequake, Vonnegut
Weather:55! awesome
All of the above. He suggests the US gov't assassinate (ie. murder, kill) Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela. He calls Ismael a "wildass" and claims the entire Islamic faith is extreme and violent. And he uses the airwaves to promote this crap.

Ignore the blithering idiot? Give him enough rope? This guy is a leader among the large and growing evangelical american bloc, and George king of the dunces Bush consults with this muttonhead. And we all know George doesn't need much of a push to fire up the killing machine (ask familes of 131 people executed by George Bush in Texas, the entire Iraqi nation, Afghanistan, etc.). This is dangerous rhetoric from a dangerous nutcase, leader to leader. And very christian, by the way, take it from cat the heathen, it violates one of their beloved ten commandments, the first one, to be exact.

You've been touched by an atheist.

permalink posted by cat 7:15 AM

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Pat Robertson: dunderheaded dipshit? moronic miscreant? hateful halfwit? malevolent malfactor?