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Friday, September 16, 2005
the condiment packet museum
Listening to:weedwhacker in C, a bouncy C
Reading:Dalai Lama, Practice
Weather:hot and windy
Can't pass up a chance to turn you on to this. Check out the museum. Click on one of the galleries on the list, say, Relish. So deeply american it should include a ketchup-scrawled note from Shrub to Condy that he thinks he might need a bathroom break. Uh, like Michael Moore kinda said, LEAD for shit's sake, dude.

Most amusing (paraphrased) bit from cat's email box this week: "Everybody come to the Rock for Equality benefit this weekend to raise awareness and cash for the rights of bi/gay/lesbian/tg West Virginians. . .Rock Out! Holy poop! Why did I JUST NOW think of that most excellent slogan, after we've made a gazillion posters and ads for the dang event. . ." Murphy rears his sadistic little head once again.

I have a most nasty headcold, truly disgusting. I'll keep the details to myself here at Boogerpalooza and Snotfest2005.

Manana I must go against my usual health regimen and ingest some drugs so I clear up the head enough to volunteer at Camp Dawson. My shift is 8a to 4p. I anticipate a little elderlaw, a little music therapy, and a healthy dash of whateveh. I'll report back with the scoop.

Liv intends to party heartily on Sunday, beginning with Drama Club picnic, then Argument all-ages CD (really EP) release party show at the Rosewood, then more all-ages merryment and conviviality with the likes of Cryptorchid Chipmunks, et al, at 123 Pleasant Street.

permalink posted by cat 5:42 PM

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the condiment packet museum