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Saturday, March 03, 2007
IT Conversations and Gigavox
Listening to:Black Sabbath, Electric Funeral
Reading:some CSS stuff
Weather:34, snowing, imagine that
Finally my driveway was free of every last bit of snow and ice yesterday for the first time in about 2 months. And of course now there's a lovely new dusting of snow on it. I ain't scared, it's 34, way higher than the average temp for about all of January so bring it, bitch.

I can't remember if I blogged about it, but back around December I volunteered to apprentice as a website editor for Gigavox/IT Conversations. I had been an avid listener of IT Conversations podcasts for quite a while. It's pretty sweet, they make available for free streamable or downloadable .mp3's of various keynotes, lectures, and presentations about tech stuff from conferences and whatnot. It's not just centrally tech, subjects extend to biotech, web economics, podcast marketing, etc. Most are about an hour, and I really like listening to them while I'm doing dishes or dusting or something.

So I was on the monthly shoutout email list for IT Conversations and they mentioned they had a few openings for website editor apprenticeships. Sounded intriguing, so I replied, got some info, and threw my hat in. I got an apprenticeship and it's been pretty kickass ever since.

Website editors listen to a show and put together stuff for the webpage that will accompany it. That includes finding a headshot of the speaker(s), tweaking it to the requisite size, writing short and long descriptions, getting bio info, additional resource links, an a few other sundry details, and uploading it all to a wiki-based content management system. It's cool for me because I like listening to the shows, I can play with Photoshop a bit, and I like to write. All good! And the group of people involved is just kickass, interesting intellects and very kind and friendly, rare combo, no? I've never met any of them in person, and they are from all over the world, but we communicate through a listserv, the wiki, and occasionally I have an email conversation with a series producer whose show I'm working on.

And the cherry on top is I thought I was strictly a volunteer, but I got a deposit in my PayPal account a few weeks ago from them! For some shows you get paid a little bit for your efforts. Frickin groovy--money, too.

So check out some cool shows at IT Conversations and Gigavox Media.

permalink posted by cat 9:27 AM

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IT Conversations and Gigavox