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Thursday, August 07, 2008
Taking the lovely morning off
Listening to:You Can't Fail Me Now, Joe Henry
Reading:short form web stuff
Weather:73, pretty, still humid
Liv has to close at work tonight, so I'm letting her sleep in as I take the morning off from work. Nice day for it, too. I have virtually no motivation to clean my house after work at night, so a nice sunny morning at home is motivating me to do a little scrubbing. A little, mind you, I'm a pretty lousy housekeeper.

My kitty brought me the gift of a dead baby mouse on the porch this morning. Thanks, Kitkat. She's suddenly developed a taste for hunting in her later life. Strange.

Going to a wedding this weekend in Front Royal. My sweet and groovy friend Ralph Fortune is marrying his longtime sweetheart Peggy. Ralph is the best guitar player I've ever had the privilege of playing with. He's primarily a blues man, but like all the best musicians he has a much broader musical vocabulary. There have been times when listening to him perform Little Wing has been more like a religious experience than a concert for me. That's no joke, he makes his guitar sing with uncanny fluidity. But next he'll chicken pick like a madman, or lay down a swamp blues backbeat that will practically push your fat ass out of your chair. He sings with soul, I could listen to him all night long. And he's extremely musically generous, both as a performer and as a teacher. There is no player, no matter how much of a beginner, that Ralph wouldn't take time to patiently jam with. He's a seeker, too, so he's a joy to be with even without a guitar in hand. I love Ralph and I can't wait to see him this weekend!

Speaking of guitar players, are you hip to Joe Henry? I only recently discovered him while watching the bonus features on the funny movie Knocked Up. He and Loudoun Wainwright III had a live performance of the song You Can't Fail Me Now on the disk, and I couldn't stop replaying it. Henry is an outstanding songwriter, and this sweet slow acoustic ballad is straight up my favorite aisle. Kinda Michael Penn-esque. Tasty and satisfying.

Another friend's nuptials this weekend I won't be attending, happening in Colorado. Pat Wheaton, a friend from my college days, has been planning this union no 08/08/08 for quite a while. I have a disproportionately large collection of numbers heads amongst my friendscape. Wuzzup with that? Analyze me later.

Time to recycle.

permalink posted by cat 9:28 AM

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Taking the lovely morning off