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Monday, September 07, 2009
getting paid to not work, labor day is a beautiful thing
Listening to: | Bad Sneakers, Steely Dan in my head | Reading: | Elric Stealer of Souls | Weather: | little rainy, humid | Such a lovely weekend. Great weather, still surrounded by the summer greenery for a few more weeks, an extra day off. My sweet Livi and friends came over. We threw some marinated tofu on the barbie, made a new creation of Livi's called pasta tacos with lotsa veggies from the garden, a fruit salad. What's a pasta taco, you ask? Take some taco filling. We used a TVP non-meat version, but it would work just as well with ground cow. Add some beans for good measure. Then cook up some relatively wide noodles, like wavy egg noodles or we used rice noodles shaped like fettucine. Then mix. Chop up your garden tomatoes, peppers, onions, lettuce, avocado. Buy corn taco shells, toast'em up. Combine and enjoy. They were the shizzle, really. You could throw some cheese and sour cream in there if you want, we had a bunch of vegans in the hizzie so we eschewed that stuff.
Lots for me to look forward to coming up. Spring and babies will be here Thursday, Uncle Titties will be in St Marys on Friday and I'll make that scene, my friend Mike scored us tickets to Loggins and Messina at the CAC later this month, got training for my volunteer video production stuff with hospice in Pittsburgh soon, etc. Life pleasantly busy, which is probably a good thing since my girl is about all grown up and gone off to college. No more leaving the house at 6:45a to get her to school, or driving back and forth to town to her her to and from work and play and schooly stuff.
Now I'm ready for a visit from the grandkids, that'll be fun.
posted by cat 10:42 PM
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getting paid to not work, labor day is a beautiful thing