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Sunday, September 27, 2009
things are getting orange
Listening to: | Sweet Feeling, Doobie Bros | Reading: | Glass Castle, Jeanette Walls | Weather: | vaguely rainy, 56 | We've had comfortably cool nights virtually all summer, so it's a mild transition, but now the days will start staying cool, too. The green everywhere is turning orange. Time to think about readying for winter. It's so nice to have a pantry full of beautiful jars of food from Larry's garden. I have stacks of wide-mouth pints of pickled green and banana peppers, rose-red beets, green beans, pinkish-yellow apple pie filling. Got a freezer full of vacuum-packed ears of corn. Still got a few grape tomatoes and an acorn squash in a basket on the counter, the last of the fresh stuff till next year. The deer got their share but the garden was bountiful enough for all of us.
If I'm smart I'll develop a guitar plan for the winter. I could ratchet up my technique or beef up the repertoire or branch out into new genres or something. I expect to have a different life since this will be my first winter without Livi in the house. The last few years she has had lots of activities that kept me busy taxiing her back and forth, starting with leaving for school every day before 7a. Now I can sleep in and not leave until 8a, seems luxurious! And on days when the weather is ridiculous out here I can work from home, another luxury. But I will miss watching movies with her on our days off and cranking up the Beatles while we make dinner. Sigh.
But it's seeming increasingly more likely that Spring and Joe and the babies will move back here in January! That could derail my yet-to-be-drafted guitar improvement plan in a good way. It would be great to have a couple of adorable little children to play with. I'm trying not to get too excited about it in case it falls through, but I've got my fingers mentally crossed.
Time to go, I gotta pick up my friend Mike for a community thing this morning. It's getting breezy and it's damp and chilly, this might be the first day non-optional day for socks in a while. Earth turns.
posted by cat 8:20 AM
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things are getting orange