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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
what the hell is going on with Megan Williams?
Listening to:Someday We'll Know, The New Radicals
Reading:The Road, Cormac McCarthy
Weather:63, luscious
According an AP article by Tom Breen Megan Williams is recanting her story. In case you don't remember it, her story was one of 6 days of kidnapping and horrifying sexual torture back in 2007 at the hands of 6 white racists in Logan County, WV. And ended with "that's what we do to niggers around here." All 6 defendants pleaded guilty to various state criminal charges, though controversially no hate crimes were charged. Megan was 20 years old and by some accounts mentally challenged.

Since the then Megan's adoptive mother has died. There were allegations that members of Megan's family absconded with public donations that were made for Megan's benefit. Al Sharpton joined the fray, a complicating factor.

What really happened here? Why would she lie, if she did? What the fuck is going on?

permalink posted by cat 5:42 PM

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what the hell is going on with Megan Williams?