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Friday, November 13, 2009
I See Dead Frickin People
Listening to: | High Winds, White Sky, Bruce Cockburn | Reading: | Stiff | Weather: | 40, some sun? | there's been a rash of dead body discoveries round here lately. one found in a parked truck, one found in the woods by the mall (near Lawless road, heheh), one in someone's yard (turned out to be a bearleg).
is it a Strange increase in bodies or just an increase in bodies press or my heightened bodies awareness? See, I'm reading Stiff in part as entrepreneurial research. I want to create a natural green burial ground. Big pavillion, house band, all night wakes, no stones, no caskets, no embalming, tiedye shrouds. Cool Cat's Hippie Hole. more on this later. meanwhile, is it cold in here, or is it just me?
posted by cat 7:02 AM
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I See Dead Frickin People