Whitney Houston's voice died a long time ago
Listening to: | soundtrack from Philosopher Kings |
Reading: | Blood, Bones, Butter |
Weather: | 33, overcast |
Whitney was only a few years older than me. I'm not going to bore myself or you with a bunch of sappy she was so awesome and died too young crap, you've heard virtually nothing else this week. But I do have a couple of things to say about her and her death. One, she was indeed an amazing singer with a truly luscious instrument. But more importantly she wasn't just able to do the melismatic pyrotechnics, she actually had the musical sense to know how to do it tastily. Christina Crapulera and her ilk will never hold a candle to Whitney's musicianship. Second, although crack is assuredly whack, make no mistake, what killed Whitney was legally prescribed pharmaceuticals. She could get off the crack, a near miraculous feat, but the fucking legal chemicals are what won't let you live past 50 in this culture. See also Michael Jackson. And many of my friends. Third, her sensational voice died a long time ago. Of course it's a loss, but one we actually endured it in the mid-1990's.
Next topic. I have been watching some interesting movies on Netflix lately. Dark Days is a doc about a collection of people living in an underground Amtrack tunnel in NYC. Great soundtrack by DJ Shadow. It was created by a Brit who had heretofore never made a film. He engaged the subjects of the film as his crew. I enjoyed this flick a lot and it inspired me to research where are these folks now. I just bought the 10th anniversary DVD on Amazon that includes interviews with the director, DJ Shadow, and the subjects, and some where are they now stuff. Can't wait.
Also got quite weirded out by a Greek film called Dogtooth. Left me confused and disturbed for several days. I'll leave it at that, don't want to put any preconceived notions in your head in case your catch it.
I am currently watching Red State, more on that later.
Meanwhile, the weather has been so mild this winter. Larry and I went for a lovely walk at the Botanic Gardens out by the friary on Tyrone Rd yesterday. Saw some snowdrops blooming, lots of bulb flowers poking their greenery up. Can't wait til spring and flowers and planting. I've got pumpkin vines in mind.
posted by cat 10:47 AM