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Monday, June 29, 2020

Listening to:gov jj's daily fireside covidchat turned campaign yammer
Reading:Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Weather:80, mostly sunny
I've been keeping a covid bujo since midMarch when wv got it's first case. Been working from home mostly since then. We're still in a steep upward curve of new cases and deaths in WV and in the nation. Wondering about the future, wondering if there will ever be a buffet or a movie theatre movie in my future.
Recognizing my huge privilege to have all I need and a pleasant place to live and garden and have my sweet wonderful child close by.
Future so uncertain.
Alan is visiting Pappy and he's 13 yo. First summer he's had a cellphone and he's buried in it most of the time, but seems a little sweeter in disposition this summer than last.
I dusted off the cello and have been practicing some stuff to jam with my pal brent on piano. Faure Pavane op 50, Bach Air on the G string, Jesu the perpetual motion, Chopin e minor prelude. Looking forward to a nice outdoor jam, maybe a pavilion with electricity for b's keys.
Haven't watched or listened to the news or public radio in months, had to give that shit up. Gotta focus in on the manageable and the opportunities for joyful participation.

permalink posted by cat 12:57 PM

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